[ET Net News Agency, 3 March 2025] SHK PPT (00016) rose 3% to HK$74.95, breaking above
the 250-D SMA of HK$73.256.
It hits an intra-day high of HK$75, and an intra-day low of HK$72.85. The total shares
traded was 1.72 million, with a value of HK$126.52m. The active buy/sell ratio is 65:35,
with net buying turnover of HK$26.41m. J.P. MORGAN BRO (HK) accounts for greatest net
responsive buying turnover of HK$2.81m, with volume weighted average price of HK$74.259.
ABN AMRO CLEARING HK accounts for greatest net responsive selling turnover of HK$3.93m,
with volume weighted average price of HK$74.066.
RMB counter of SHK PPT (80016) rose 2.6% to RMB70.1. It hits an intra-day high of RMB70,
and an intra-day low of RMB68.85. The total shares traded was 4,000, with a value of
The Hang Seng Index now rose 380 points, or 1.7% to 23,321.
Basic Information
Nominal 74.950 % Chg +2.95%
High 75.000 Low 72.850
Shares Tr 1.72m Turnover 126.52m
10-D SMA 72.575 %H.V 27.040
20-D SMA 71.668 VWAP 73.767
50-D SMA 71.897 RSI14 61.148
Status: Breaking above the 250-D SMA, active buy/sell ratio is 65:35, with net buying
turnover of HK$26.41m
Performance of stocks in the same sector or of relevance
Stock (Code) Price (HK$) Change (%)
SHK PPT (00016) 74.95 +2.95
HENDERSON LAND (00012) 21.70 +2.12
NEW WORLD DEV (00017) 5.37 +11.41
SINO LAND (00083) 8.05 +3.34
HANG LUNG PPT (00101) 6.62 +1.53
KERRY PPT (00683) 16.44 +2.75
CK ASSET (01113) 34.15 +1.04
SWIREPROPERTIES (01972) 15.70 +1.95
WHARF REIC (01997) 20.85 +2.71
SHK PPT-R (80016) RMB70.10 +2.64