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04/03/2025 08:15

{SSE & SZSE MMA}HK market cap: HK$39t; SSE & SZSE: RMB80t

[ET Net News Agency, 4 March 2025] Data from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (00388)
indicate the general information of the Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges
as of the previous trading day (3 March 2025) is as follows:
Main Board GEM A share B share A share B share
Listed company 2,313 320 1,693 43 2,854 39
H shares 352 17 - - - -
Non-H share 1,057 58 - - - -
Mainland enterprises
Listed securities 13,955 320 - - - -
Total market cap (bil dollars) 39,260 53 44,938 95 34,428 51
Circulated market cap (bil dollars) - - 43,816 71 29,259 51
Average PE (times) 13.75 26.92 12.98 7.18 25.08 7.30
Turnover (mil dollars) 301,977 961,411 981,216
Note: The trading unit of Hong Kong Stock Exchange is Hong Kong dollar. The trading unit
of Shanghai and Shenzhen Exchanges is Renminbi.

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