[ET Net News Agency, 9 October 2024] 4 companies registered block trading at the
trading session as follows:
Litsed Company Shares Transcated Price/Share Total
(+/- from previous close) Consideration
MIDEA GROUP (00300) A block trade of HK$86.891 HK$11.99m
138,000 shares (+3.26%)
TECHTRONIC IND (00669) A block trade of HK$111.667 HK$43.77m
392,000 shares (+0.69%)
TIAN TU CAPITAL (01973) A non-direct manual HK$3.26 HK$19.56m
trade of 6 million (-)
BABA-W (09988) A block trade of HK$104.5 HK$61.28m