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02460 華潤飲料
Listing Date2024/10/23
Listing Price14.500
  • 13.720 +0.240 (+1.780%)    Sink Below Listing Price
  • 15-min delayed, last update: 04/03/2025 17:05
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China Resources Beverage (Holdings) Company Limited is a renowned company in China’s packaged drinking water industry and China’s RTD soft beverage industry. According to the CIC Report, the Group was one of the first enterprises specializing in the production of packaged drinking water in China, having commenced production in 1990. After four decades of development, it has grown into the second largest company in the packaged drinking water market in China and the largest company in the purified drinking water market in China by retail sales value in 2023, with a market share of 18.4% and 32.7%, respectively.


Anchored on the Group’s “C’estbon” brand, and rooted in the success of its purified drinking water products, its product portfolio expands product specifications, catering to a wide range of consumption scenarios including outdoor, indoor, business, catering and sports. In 2023, according to the CIC Report, it ranked fifth in terms of retail sales value among China’s RTD soft beverage companies, with a market share of 4.7%


The Group had a product portfolio of 13 brands, mainly including “C’estbon”, “Zhi Ben Qing Run”, “Mi Shui Series”, “Holiday Series” and “Zuo Wei Cha Shi”, comprising a total of 59 SKUs. Its customers are distributors, who purchase and distribute its products, and direct sales customers.

MarketHong Kong (Main Board)
Business NatureFood & Beverages
Major Business AreaChina
Board Lot200
No. of Offer Shares347.83M shares
No. of International Offer Shares208.70M shares
No. of HK Offer Shares139.13M shares
Offer Price$13.50 - $14.50
Stock Code2460
Sponsor(s)UBS Securities Hong Kong Limited, BOCI Asia Limited, CITIC Securities (Hong Kong) Limited, Merrill Lynch (Asia Pacific) Limited
Underwriter(s)UBS AG Hong Kong Branch, BOCI Asia Limited, CLSA Limited, Merrill Lynch (Asia Pacific) Limited, China International Capital Corporation Hong Kong Securities Limited, CMB International Capital Limited, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Huatai Financial Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited, ABCI Securities Company Limited, CCB International Capital Limited
Application PeriodOct 15 (Tue) - noon, Oct 18 (Fri)
Price Determination DateOct 21 (Mon)
Result Announcement DateOn or before Oct 22 (Tue)
Result Announcement DateOn or before Oct 22 (Tue)
Result Announcement DateOn or before Oct 23 (Wed)
Dealings in Shares commence onOct 23, 2024. (Wed)
Reallocation of Shares Offered
Times of HK Offer Shares Subscription14X - 45X45X - 90XOver 90X
% of total shares reallocated to HK Offer18%23%40%
Sales Statistics (HKD)
Offer Price$13.50 - $14.50
Capitalization31.70B - 34.04B
NAV / share ($)$5.39 - $5.55 (Unaudited pro forma adj NAV / share)
Use Of Proceeds
Assuming the offer price being at HKD 14, the net proceeds raised would be HKD 4.73B, of which
30% : Strategic expansion and optimization of production capacity
23% : Expansion of sales channels and enhancing channel efficiency
23% : Conducting sales and marketing activities
3% : Enhancing product R&D capabilities
3% : Digitalization upgrades including bolstering digitalization capabilities across processes encompassing sales, operations, production and logistics
8% : Potential investment, merger and acquisition opportunities
10% : Working capital
Related Document
Remark: The above information is referenced from the prospectus.
  All data is calculated from the non- exercise rights(if applicable).
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*Admission fees include brokerage of 1%, SFC transaction levy of 0.0027%, Stock Exchange trading fee of 0.005% and FRC transaction levy of 0.00015% (i.e. 1.0077% in total).
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