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02566 九源基因
Listing Date2024/11/28
Listing Price12.420
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  • 15-min delayed, last update: 04/03/2025 16:58
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Hangzhou Jiuyuan Gene Engineering Co., Ltd. founded in 1993 and headquartered in Zhejiang Province, is a biopharmaceutical company in China with over 30 years of proven track record in the R&D, manufacturing and commercialization of biopharmaceutical products and medical devices. The Group focus on four large and fast-growing therapeutic areas: orthopedics, metabolic diseases, oncology, and hematology.


Collectively, these four therapeutic areas accounted for 51.5% of the total pharmaceutical sales in China in 2023, according to CIC. The Group’s drug-device combination product, Guyoudao, is the first product containing bone repair material with rhBMP-2 approved for sale in China, and ranked first by sales revenue in China’s bone repair material market in 2023.


Centred around these therapeutic areas, the Group have built a diversified product portfolio comprising eight marketed products, including China’s first recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (“rhBMP-2”) bone repair material, Guyoudao, and over ten product candidates, including the first semaglutide biosimilar in China to have obtained an IND approval and filed an NDA, JY29-2, as of November 3, 2024.


The Group had two manufacturing sites located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province with a total area size of approximately 28,000 square meters. The Group’s customers primarily consist of its distributors and hospitals which directly purchase pharmaceutical and drug-device combination products from it.

MarketHong Kong (Main Board)
Business NatureHealth Care
Major Business AreaChina
Board Lot200
No. of Offer Shares45.40M H shares
No. of International Offer Shares22.70M H shares
No. of HK Offer Shares22.70M H shares
Offer Price$11.48 - $12.56
Stock Code2566
Sponsor(s)Huatai Financial Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited
Underwriter(s)Huatai Financial Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited, CLSA Limited, CMB International Capital Limited, Ruibang Securities Limited, Patrons Securities Limited
Application PeriodNov 20 (Wed) - noon, Nov 25 (Mon)
Price Determination DateNov 26 (Tue)
Result Announcement DateOn or before Nov 27 (Wed)
Result Announcement DateOn or before Nov 27 (Wed)
Result Announcement DateOn or before Nov 28 (Thu)
Dealings in Shares commence onNov 28, 2024. (Thu)
Reallocation of Shares Offered
Times of HK Offer Shares Subscription15X - 50X50X - 100XOver 100X
% of total shares reallocated to HK Offer30%40%50%
Sales Statistics (HKD)
Offer Price$11.48 - $12.56
Capitalization (H Shares)1.25B - 1.37B
NAV / share ($)$5.80 - $5.99 (Unaudited pro forma adj NAV / share)
Use Of Proceeds
Assuming the offer price being at HKD 12.02, the net proceeds raised would be HKD 468.10M, of which
40% : Research and development of selected product candidates in strategically focused therapeutic areas
30% : Marketing and commercialization of existing and near-commercialized products
10% : Pursue strategic collaboration to enrich therapeutic areas product portfolio
10% : Used on manufacturing system to construct new production lines and further automate
10% : Working capital
Related Document
Remark: The above information is referenced from the prospectus.
  All data is calculated from the non- exercise rights(if applicable).
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*Admission fees include brokerage of 1%, SFC transaction levy of 0.0027%, Stock Exchange trading fee of 0.005% and FRC transaction levy of 0.00015% (i.e. 1.0077% in total).
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