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08629 集信國控
Listing Date2024/09/06
Listing Price9.900
  • 9.690 -0.210 (-2.121%)    Sink Below Listing Price
  • 15-min delayed, last update: 04/03/2025 16:50
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Guangdong Syntrust GK Testing and Certification Tech Service Center Co is principally engaged in the provision of construction engineering testing and inspection services, serving customers in Maoming, Guangdong Province of China. It

headquartered in Xinyi City, Maoming.


The Group primarily offer construction engineering testing services including foundation testing service, infrastructure and public roads testing service, construction material testing service, as well as building structure testing service. Additionally, it provide construction engineering inspection services including slope monitoring and foundation pit monitoring services.


The Group’s customer base primarily consists of entities involved in the construction industry in China, including private and public sector entities such as property developers and construction companies, stateowned investment companies, relevant PRC government institutions and PRC government administrative bureaus.


As at August 2024, the Group had obtained accreditation in a total of 39 categories for testing and inspection services relating to construction engineering, product and material testing, environmental testing, food testing and agricultural related testing approved by the Guangdong AMR under the Inspection and Testing Agency Qualification Certificate, and we offer testing services with over 2,700 parameters under the 39 categories.

MarketHong Kong (GEM)
Business NatureConstruction
Major Business AreaChina
Board Lot500
No. of Offer Shares10.18M H shares
No. of Placing Shares9.16M H shares
No. of Public Offer Shares1.02M H shares
Offer Price$8.60 - $10.40
Stock Code8629
Sponsor(s)Yue Xiu Capital Limited, Huajin Corporate Finance (International) Limited
Underwriter(s)Huajin Securities (International) Limited, Yue Xiu Securities Company Limited, Eddid Securities and Futures Limited, GLAM Capital Limited, Livermore Holdings Limited, Orient Securities (Hong Kong) Limited
Application PeriodAug 26 (Mon) - noon, Sep 03 (Tue)
Price Determination DateSep 04 (Wed)
Result Announcement DateOn or before Sep 05 (Thu)
Result Announcement DateOn or before Sep 05 (Thu)
Result Announcement DateOn or before Sep 06 (Fri)
Dealings in Shares commence onSep 06, 2024. (Fri)
Reallocation of Shares Offered
Times of HK Offer Shares Subscription15X - 50X50X - 100XOver 100X
% of total shares reallocated to HK Offer30%40%50%
Sales Statistics (HKD)
Offer Price$8.60 - $10.40
Capitalization291.80M - 352.90M
NAV / share ($)$4.95 - $5.46 (Unaudited pro forma adj NAV / share)
Use Of Proceeds
Assuming the offer price being at HKD 9.5, the net proceeds raised would be HKD 54.40M, of which
27.5% : Used for expanding our construction engineering testing services
27.7% : Strengthening our existing market presence in Maoming and expanding its service footprint into the 3rd to 5th tiers cities in Western Guangdong
37.4% : Diversifying its testing and inspection services beyond construction engineering
5.5% : Upgrading ERP system
1.9% : Working capital
Related Document
Remark: The above information is referenced from the prospectus.
  All data is calculated from the non- exercise rights(if applicable).
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*Admission fees include brokerage of 1%, SFC transaction levy of 0.0027%, Stock Exchange trading fee of 0.005% and FRC transaction levy of 0.00015% (i.e. 1.0077% in total).
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