[ET Net News Agency, 28 February 2025] BOE VARITRONIX (00710) fell 10.3% to HK$6.9,
dipping below the 20-D SMA of HK$7.321.
It hits an intra-day low of HK$6.9, and an intra-day high of HK$7.69. The total shares
traded was 6.31 million, with a value of HK$45.59m. The active buy/sell ratio is 35:65,
with net selling turnover of HK$13.05m. INSTINET PACIFIC accounts for greatest net
responsive buying turnover of HK$3.78m, with volume weighted average price of HK$7.175.
GOLDMAN SACHS (ASIA) SEC accounts for greatest net responsive selling turnover of
HK$762,327, with volume weighted average price of HK$7.177.
Basic Information
Nominal 6.900 % Chg -10.27%
High 7.690 Low 6.900
Shares Tr 6.31m Turnover 45.59m
10-D SMA 7.085 %H.V 58.381
20-D SMA 7.321 VWAP 7.230
50-D SMA 6.851 RSI14 46.859
Status: Dipping below the 20-D SMA, active buy/sell ratio is 35:65, with net selling
turnover of HK$13.05m
Performance of stocks in the same sector or of relevance
Stock (Code) Price (HK$) Change (%)
BOE VARITRONIX (00710) 6.90 -10.27
JOHNSON ELEC H (00179) 14.66 -15.65
MINTH GROUP (00425) 20.25 -11.96
ZMJ (00564) 10.20 -4.32
ZHEJIANG SHIBAO (01057) 3.42 -6.81
IMOTIONAUTOTECH (01274) 23.05 -13.83
NEXTEER (01316) 4.94 -11.63
BLACK SESAME (02533) 21.00 -10.83
FUYAO GLASS (03606) 52.65 -3.22
HORIZONROBOT-W (09660) 8.16 -15.35