[ET Net News Agency, 19 February 2025] STAR CM (06698) rose 10.3% to HK$3.96, breaking
above the 100-D SMA of HK$3.86.
It hits an intra-day high of HK$4.02, hitting an 1-month high, and an intra-day low of
HK$3.65. The total shares traded was 5.94 million, with a value of HK$23.14m. The active
buy/sell ratio is 68:32, with net buying turnover of HK$8.12m. GF SECURITIES (HK) BRO
accounts for greatest net responsive buying turnover of HK$86,853, with volume weighted
average price of HK$3.93. CHINA INNOVATION MARKET SER accounts for greatest net responsive
selling turnover of HK$1.71m, with volume weighted average price of HK$3.873.
Basic Information
Nominal 3.960 % Chg +10.31%
High 4.020 Low 3.650
Shares Tr 5.94m Turnover 23.14m
10-D SMA 3.583 %H.V 42.532
20-D SMA 3.467 VWAP 3.893
50-D SMA 3.661 RSI14 64.998
Status: Breaking above the 100-D SMA, hitting an 1-month high, active buy/sell ratio is
68:32, with net buying turnover of HK$8.12m
Performance of stocks in the same sector or of relevance
Stock (Code) Price (HK$) Change (%)
STAR CM (06698) 3.960 +10.31
CHINA RUYI (00136) 2.350 -1.67
KUAISHOU-W (01024) 57.650 -1.87
ALI PICTURES (01060) 0.580 -1.69
MEITU (01357) 6.370 -1.09
A METAVERSE (01616) 0.045 -6.25
MAOYAN ENT (01896) 8.490 +1.31
BILIBILI-W (09626) 160.500 -4.06
NETEASE MUSIC (09899) 148.000 -0.47
NEWBORNTOWN (09911) 5.050 -1.75