[ET Net News Agency, 28 February 2025] CGS (06881) fell 9.7% to HK$7.78, dipping below
the 10-D SMA of HK$7.932.
It hits an intra-day low of HK$7.75, and an intra-day high of HK$8.67. The total shares
traded was 169.02 million, with a value of HK$1.38b. The active buy/sell ratio is 46:54,
with net selling turnover of HK$108.25m. CHINA INV INFO accounts for greatest net
responsive buying turnover of HK$115.89m, with volume weighted average price of HK$8.136.
MORGAN STANLEY HK SEC accounts for greatest net responsive selling turnover of HK$77.22m,
with volume weighted average price of HK$8.126. The stock has fallen a combined 11.2% over
the past 2 consecutive trading days.
Basic Information
Nominal 7.780 % Chg -9.74%
High 8.670 Low 7.750
Shares Tr 169.02m Turnover 1.38b
10-D SMA 7.932 %H.V 71.349
20-D SMA 7.588 VWAP 8.141
50-D SMA 7.180 RSI14 52.901
Status: Dipping below the 10-D SMA, active buy/sell ratio is 46:54, with net selling
turnover of HK$108.25m, falling a combined 11.2% over the past 2 consecutive trading days
Performance of stocks in the same sector or of relevance
Stock (Code) Price (HK$) Change (%)
CGS (06881) 7.78 -9.74
CHINA RES BEER (00291) 24.75 -5.71
CNOOC (00883) 18.02 +1.01
CCB (00939) 6.59 -1.64
CHINA MOBILE (00941) 79.05 +0.38
LENOVO GROUP (00992) 11.56 -6.17
HUA HONG SEMI (01347) 33.75 -9.15
ICBC (01398) 5.52 -1.25
CHINA LIFE (02628) 14.94 -5.32
BANK OF CHINA (03988) 4.42 -0.23