[ET Net News Agency, 3 March 2025] SKB BIO-B (06990) rose 4.5% to HK$241.4.
It hits an intra-day high of HK$244, hitting a historical high, and an intra-day low of
HK$227.2. The total shares traded was 130,800, with a value of HK$31.01m. The active
buy/sell ratio is 58:42, with net buying turnover of HK$4.89m. CHINA INNOVATION MARKET SER
accounts for greatest net responsive buying turnover of HK$1.4m, with volume weighted
average price of HK$237.883. CITIC SEC BRO accounts for greatest net responsive selling
turnover of HK$3.83m, with volume weighted average price of HK$234.885.
Basic Information
Nominal 241.400 % Chg +4.50%
High 244.000 Low 227.200
Shares Tr 130,800 Turnover 31.01m
10-D SMA 212.840 %H.V 55.641
20-D SMA 193.950 VWAP 237.049
50-D SMA 177.732 RSI14 79.232
Status: Hitting a historical high, active buy/sell ratio is 58:42, with net buying
turnover of HK$4.89m
Performance of stocks in the same sector or of relevance
Stock (Code) Price (HK$) Change (%)
SKB BIO-B (06990) 241.40 +4.50
INNOVENT BIO (01801) 40.60 +0.37
EVEREST MED-B (01952) 49.65 +6.09
CARSGEN-B (02171) 16.52 +3.51
WUXI BIO (02269) 22.80 +1.56
WUXI APPTEC (02359) 61.00 +2.78
BEIGENE (06160) 162.70 -2.40
ZAI LAB (09688) 27.05 +1.69
AKESO (09926) 75.50 +3.50
INNOCARE (09969) 9.45 +2.61