[ET Net News Agency, 12 February 2025] VTECH HOLDINGS (00303) rose 10.2% to HK$56.8,
breaking above the 100-D SMA of HK$52.582.
It hits an intra-day high of HK$56.8, hitting an 1-month high, and an intra-day low of
HK$51.9. The total shares traded was 1.48 million, with a value of HK$80.68m. The active
buy/sell ratio is 69:31, with net buying turnover of HK$30.54m. CHINA INNOVATION MARKET
SER accounts for greatest net responsive buying turnover of HK$5.04m, with volume weighted
average price of HK$55.239. UBS accounts for greatest net responsive selling turnover of
HK$6.55m, with volume weighted average price of HK$54.408.
Basic Information
Nominal 56.800 % Chg +10.18%
High 56.800 Low 51.900
Shares Tr 1.48m Turnover 80.68m
10-D SMA 52.245 %H.V 18.201
20-D SMA 51.615 VWAP 54.678
50-D SMA 51.615 RSI14 73.952
Status: Breaking above the 100-D SMA, hitting an 1-month high, active buy/sell ratio is
69:31, with net buying turnover of HK$30.54m
Performance of stocks in the same sector or of relevance
Stock (Code) Price (HK$) Change (%)
VTECH HOLDINGS (00303) 56.80 +10.18
BYD ELECTRONIC (00285) 58.70 +6.53
CHINACOMSERVICE (00552) 4.63 +1.98
ZTE (00763) 28.05 -0.71
CHINA TOWER (00788) 1.20 +1.69
FIH (02038) 0.88 +2.33
COMBA (02342) 1.05 +0.96
WELLCELL HOLD (02477) 25.00 +25.00
FIT HON TENG (06088) 3.97 +8.77
YOFC (06869) 18.82 +0.86