Quote | Super Quote
Economic Figures
DateRegionItemPeriodEstimated Value
04/03/2025 01:00ItalyAuto RegistrationFeb (y/y)--
04/03/2025 05:45New ZealandBuilding PermitsJan (m/m)--
04/03/2025 07:00South KoreaIndustrial OutputJan (y/y)-2.000%
04/03/2025 07:00South KoreaIndustrial Output(Seasonal Adj)Jan (m/m)-3.100%
04/03/2025 07:30JapanUnemployment RateJan2.400%
04/03/2025 08:30AustraliaRetail SalesJan (m/m)0.300%
04/03/2025 13:00JapanConsumer Confidence IndexFeb35.300
04/03/2025 17:00ItalyUnemployment RateJan6.300%
04/03/2025 18:00Euro ZoneUnemployment RateJan6.300%
05/03/2025 08:30AustraliaGDPQ4 (y/y)1.200%
05/03/2025 08:30AustraliaGDP(Seasonal Adj)Q4 (q/q)0.500%
05/03/2025 09:45ChinaCaixin PMI CompositeFeb--
05/03/2025 09:45ChinaCaixin Services PMIFeb50.700
05/03/2025 13:00SingaporeRetail SalesJan (y/y)2.200%
05/03/2025 13:00SingaporeRetail Sales(Seasonal Adj)Jan (m/m)--
05/03/2025 15:30SwitzerlandCPIFeb (y/y)0.200%
05/03/2025 15:30SwitzerlandCPIFeb (m/m)0.500%
05/03/2025 15:30SwitzerlandCore CPIFeb (y/y)0.700%
05/03/2025 15:30SwitzerlandHICPFeb (y/y)--
05/03/2025 15:30SwitzerlandHICPFeb (m/m)--
05/03/2025 15:45FranceIndustrial OutputJan (m/m)0.500%
05/03/2025 15:45FranceIndustrial OutputJan (y/y)-0.100%
05/03/2025 17:00United KingdomAuto RegistrationFeb (y/y)--
05/03/2025 18:00ItalyRetail SalesJan (m/m)--
05/03/2025 18:00ItalyRetail SalesJan (y/y)--
05/03/2025 18:00Euro ZonePPIJan (m/m)0.300%
05/03/2025 18:00Euro ZonePPIJan (y/y)1.300%
05/03/2025 20:00United StatesMBA Mortgage Application IndexThe week as of 25/02/2025--
05/03/2025 20:00United StatesMBA Mortgage Application IndexThe week as of 28/02/2025--
05/03/2025 21:15United StatesADP Employment ChangeFeb14.60萬
05/03/2025 23:00United StatesFactory OrdersJan1.600%
06/03/2025 00:00RussiaRetail SalesJan (y/y)5.400%
06/03/2025 00:00RussiaUnemployment RateJan2.300%
06/03/2025 00:00RussiaCPIThe week as of 03/03/2025 (w/w)--
06/03/2025 00:00RussiaCPI(Year to Date)The week as of 03/03/2025--
06/03/2025 05:00South KoreaForex ReserveFeb--
06/03/2025 07:00South KoreaCPIFeb (y/y)2.100%
06/03/2025 07:00South KoreaCPIFeb (m/m)0.400%
06/03/2025 07:50JapanForeign Investment in Japan (Bonds)The week as of 25/02/2025--
06/03/2025 07:50JapanForeign Investment in Japan (Stocks)The week as of 25/02/2025--
06/03/2025 07:50JapanJapanese Investment Abroad (Bonds)The week as of 25/02/2025--
06/03/2025 07:50JapanJapanese Investment Abroad (Stocks)The week as of 25/02/2025--
06/03/2025 07:50JapanForeign Investment in Japan (Bonds)The week as of 28/02/2025--
06/03/2025 07:50JapanForeign Investment in Japan (Stocks)The week as of 28/02/2025--
06/03/2025 07:50JapanJapanese Investment Abroad (Bonds)The week as of 28/02/2025--
06/03/2025 07:50JapanJapanese Investment Abroad (Stocks)The week as of 28/02/2025--
06/03/2025 08:30AustraliaBuilding PermitsJan (m/m)0.000%
06/03/2025 08:30AustraliaExportJan (m/m)--
06/03/2025 08:30AustraliaImportJan (m/m)--
06/03/2025 08:30AustraliaTrade BalanceJanAUD 58.00億
06/03/2025 14:45SwitzerlandUnemployment RateFeb2.900%
06/03/2025 14:45SwitzerlandUnemployment Rate(Seasonal Adj)Feb2.700%
06/03/2025 16:00BrazilFIPE CPIFeb (m/m)--
06/03/2025 18:00Euro ZoneRetail SalesJan (m/m)0.100%
06/03/2025 18:00Euro ZoneRetail SalesJan (y/y)1.900%
06/03/2025 20:30United StatesChallenger Job CutsFeb (y/y)--
06/03/2025 21:15Euro ZoneCentral Bank Deposit Rate01/03/2025 The day onwards--
06/03/2025 21:15Euro ZoneCentral Bank Deposit Rate06/03/2025 The day onwards--
06/03/2025 21:15Euro ZoneCentral Bank Rate06/03/2025 The day onwards--
06/03/2025 21:15Euro ZoneCentral Bank Deposit Rate25/03/2025 The day onwards2.500%
06/03/2025 21:15Euro ZoneCentral Bank Rate25/03/2025 The day onwards2.650%
06/03/2025 21:30CanadaInternational TradeJanCAD 13.00億
06/03/2025 21:30United StatesTrade BalanceJanUSD -1,287.00億
06/03/2025 21:30United StatesJobless Claims (Continuing)The week as of 25/02/20251.88百萬
06/03/2025 21:30United StatesJobless ClaimsThe week as of 01/03/2025--
06/03/2025 21:30United StatesJobless Claims (Continuing)The week as of 22/02/2025--
06/03/2025 23:00CanadaIvey PMIFeb--
06/03/2025 23:00United StatesWholesale TradeJan (m/m)--
07/03/2025 ChinaForex ReserveFeb--
07/03/2025 13:30AustraliaForex ReserveFeb--
07/03/2025 15:00GermanyFactory OrdersJan (m/m)-2.500%
07/03/2025 15:45FranceCurrent AccountJan--
07/03/2025 15:45FranceTrade BalanceJan--
07/03/2025 16:00SwitzerlandForex ReserveFeb--
07/03/2025 16:00TaiwanCPIFeb (y/y)1.900%
07/03/2025 16:00TaiwanCore CPIFeb (y/y)--
07/03/2025 16:00TaiwanExportFeb (y/y)19.000%
07/03/2025 16:00TaiwanImportFeb (y/y)19.500%
07/03/2025 16:00TaiwanPPIFeb (y/y)--
07/03/2025 16:00TaiwanTrade BalanceFebUSD 91.00億
07/03/2025 16:30Hong KongForex ReserveFeb--
07/03/2025 17:00SingaporeForex ReserveFeb--
07/03/2025 20:00BrazilGDPQ4 (q/q)0.400%
07/03/2025 20:00BrazilGDPQ4 (y/y)4.000%
07/03/2025 21:30CanadaCapacity UtilizationQ479.200%
07/03/2025 21:30CanadaLabor Force Employment ChangeFeb1.75萬
07/03/2025 21:30CanadaLabor Force Participation RateFeb--
07/03/2025 21:30CanadaUnemployment RateFeb6.700%
07/03/2025 21:30United StatesAverage Hourly EarningsFeb (y/y)4.100%
07/03/2025 21:30United StatesAverage Hourly EarningsFeb (m/m)0.300%
07/03/2025 21:30United StatesLabor Force Participation RateFeb62.600%
07/03/2025 21:30United StatesNet Change on Labor Force (Manufacturing)Feb4,000.00
07/03/2025 21:30United StatesNet Change on Labor Force (Non-farm)Feb16.00萬
07/03/2025 21:30United StatesUnemployment RateFeb4.000%
08/03/2025 02:00BrazilExportFeb228.00億
08/03/2025 02:00BrazilImportFeb209.65億
08/03/2025 02:00BrazilTrade Balance (Monthly)FebUSD 19.40億
08/03/2025 04:00United StatesConsumer CreditJanUSD 150.00億
09/03/2025 ChinaMoney Supply M0Feb (y/y)--
09/03/2025 ChinaMoney Supply M1Feb (y/y)--
09/03/2025 ChinaMoney Supply M2Feb (y/y)--
09/03/2025 09:30ChinaCPIFeb (y/y)-0.400%
09/03/2025 09:30ChinaPPIFeb (y/y)-2.000%
10/03/2025 07:50JapanCurrent AccountJan--
10/03/2025 13:00JapanCoincident IndexJan--
10/03/2025 13:00JapanLeading IndexJan--
10/03/2025 15:00GermanyExport(Seasonal Adj)Jan (m/m)--
10/03/2025 15:00GermanyImport(Seasonal Adj)Jan (m/m)--
10/03/2025 15:00GermanyIndustrial Output(Seasonal Adj)Jan (m/m)--
10/03/2025 15:00GermanyIndustrial OutputJan (y/y)--
10/03/2025 17:00ItalyPPIJan (y/y)--
10/03/2025 17:00ItalyPPIJan (m/m)--
10/03/2025 17:30Euro ZoneSentix Investor Confidence IndexMar--
11/03/2025 GermanyWholesale Price IndexFeb (y/y)--
11/03/2025 GermanyWholesale Price IndexFeb (m/m)--
11/03/2025 07:30AustraliaWestpac Consumer Confidence IndexMar--
11/03/2025 07:50JapanMoney Supply M2Feb (y/y)--
11/03/2025 07:50JapanMoney Supply M3Feb (y/y)--
11/03/2025 08:30AustraliaNAB Business Confidence IndexFeb--
11/03/2025 14:00JapanMachine Tool OrdersFeb (y/y)--
11/03/2025 20:00BrazilIndustrial OutputJan (m/m)--
11/03/2025 20:00BrazilIndustrial OutputJan (y/y)--
11/03/2025 22:00United StatesJOLTS Job OpeningsJan--
12/03/2025 IndiaExportFeb (y/y)--
12/03/2025 IndiaImportFeb (y/y)--
12/03/2025 IndiaTrade BalanceFeb--
12/03/2025 07:00South KoreaUnemployment Rate(Seasonal Adj)Feb--
12/03/2025 07:50JapanPPIFeb (m/m)--
12/03/2025 07:50JapanPPIFeb (y/y)--
12/03/2025 18:30IndiaCPIFeb (y/y)--
12/03/2025 18:30IndiaIndustrial OutputJan (y/y)--
12/03/2025 20:00BrazilCPIFeb (y/y)--
12/03/2025 20:00BrazilCPIFeb (m/m)--
12/03/2025 20:30United StatesCPI(Seasonal Adj)Feb--
12/03/2025 20:30United StatesCPIFeb (m/m)0.300%
12/03/2025 20:30United StatesCPIFeb (y/y)3.000%
12/03/2025 20:30United StatesCPI(Non-Seasonal Adj)Feb319.196
12/03/2025 20:30United StatesCPI Ex Food & EnergyFeb (y/y)3.200%
12/03/2025 20:30United StatesCPI Ex Food & EnergyFeb (m/m)0.300%
12/03/2025 21:45CanadaCentral Bank Rate25/03/2025 The day onwards2.750%
12/03/2025 21:45CanadaCentral Bank Rate12/03/2025 The day onwards--
13/03/2025 00:00RussiaCPIFeb (m/m)--
13/03/2025 00:00RussiaCPIFeb (y/y)--
13/03/2025 00:00RussiaCore CPIFeb (y/y)--
13/03/2025 08:00AustraliaCustomer Expectation on CPIMar--
13/03/2025 16:30Hong KongIndustrial OutputQ4 (y/y)--
13/03/2025 16:30Hong KongPPIQ4 (y/y)--
13/03/2025 18:00Euro ZoneIndustrial Output(Seasonal Adj)Jan (m/m)--
13/03/2025 18:00Euro ZoneIndustrial OutputJan (y/y)--
13/03/2025 19:30BrazilOutstanding LoansJan (m/m)--
13/03/2025 19:30BrazilOutstanding LoansJan--
13/03/2025 20:30CanadaBuilding PermitsJan (m/m)--
13/03/2025 20:30United StatesPPIFeb (m/m)0.300%
13/03/2025 20:30United StatesPPIFeb (y/y)--
14/03/2025 GermanyCurrent AccountJan--
14/03/2025 05:00South KoreaExport Price IndexFeb (y/y)--
14/03/2025 05:00South KoreaExport Price IndexFeb (m/m)--
14/03/2025 05:00South KoreaImport Price IndexFeb (y/y)--
14/03/2025 05:00South KoreaImport Price IndexFeb (m/m)--
14/03/2025 05:30New ZealandManufacturing PMIFeb--
14/03/2025 15:00United KingdomIndex of ServicesJan (m/m)--
14/03/2025 15:00United KingdomIndustrial OutputJan (y/y)--
14/03/2025 15:00United KingdomIndustrial OutputJan (m/m)--
14/03/2025 17:00ItalyIndustrial OutputJan (m/m)--
14/03/2025 17:00ItalyIndustrial Output(Non-Seasonal Adj)Jan (y/y)--
14/03/2025 17:00ItalyIndustrial OutputJan (y/y)--
14/03/2025 20:00BrazilRetail SalesJan (y/y)--
14/03/2025 20:00BrazilRetail SalesJan (m/m)--
14/03/2025 20:30CanadaManufacturing SalesJan (m/m)--
14/03/2025 21:00RussiaExportJan--
14/03/2025 21:00RussiaImportJan--
14/03/2025 21:00RussiaTrade BalanceJan--
14/03/2025 22:00United StatesU of Michigan Survey of Consumer ConfidenceMar--
17/03/2025 JapanEmporium Sales (Tokyo)Feb (y/y)--
17/03/2025 05:30New ZealandPerformance of Service IndexFeb--
17/03/2025 08:01United KingdomRightmove Property PricesMar (m/m)--
17/03/2025 08:01United KingdomRightmove Property PricesMar (y/y)--
17/03/2025 09:30ChinaNew Property PricesFeb (m/m)--
17/03/2025 10:00ChinaFixed-asset Investment (Excl. Rural Households)(Year to Date)Feb (y/y)--
17/03/2025 10:00ChinaIndustrial Output(Year to Date)Feb (y/y)--
17/03/2025 10:00ChinaRetail Sales(Year to Date)Feb (y/y)--
17/03/2025 10:00ChinaUnemployment RateFeb--
17/03/2025 20:15CanadaNew Home StartsFeb--
17/03/2025 20:30United StatesRetail SalesFeb (m/m)--
17/03/2025 20:30United StatesNew York State Fed Manufacturing IndexMar--
17/03/2025 21:00CanadaExisting Home SalesFeb (m/m)--
17/03/2025 22:00United StatesBusiness InventoriesJan--
17/03/2025 22:00United StatesNAHB Housing Market IndexMar--
18/03/2025 12:30JapanTertiary Industry IndexJan (m/m)--
18/03/2025 14:00JapanTokyo Residental SalesFeb (y/y)--
18/03/2025 16:30Hong KongUnemployment Rate(Seasonal Adj)Feb--
18/03/2025 17:00ItalyTrade Balance (EU)Jan--
18/03/2025 18:00Euro ZoneTrade Balance(Seasonal Adj)Jan--
18/03/2025 18:00Euro ZoneTrade Balance(Non-Seasonal Adj)Jan--
18/03/2025 18:00Euro ZoneZEW SentimentMar--
18/03/2025 18:00GermanyZEW Index (Current)Mar--
18/03/2025 18:00GermanyZEW SentimentMar--
18/03/2025 20:30United StatesExport Price IndexFeb (m/m)--
18/03/2025 20:30United StatesExport Price IndexFeb (y/y)--
18/03/2025 20:30United StatesImport Price IndexFeb (m/m)--
18/03/2025 20:30United StatesImport Price IndexFeb (y/y)--
18/03/2025 20:30CanadaCPIFeb--
18/03/2025 20:30CanadaCPIFeb (y/y)--
18/03/2025 20:30United StatesNew Home StartsFeb--
18/03/2025 20:30United StatesNew Home StartsFeb (m/m)--
18/03/2025 20:30United StatesBuilding PermitsFeb (m/m)--
18/03/2025 21:15United StatesCapacity UtilizationFeb--
18/03/2025 21:15United StatesIndustrial OutputFeb (m/m)--
19/03/2025 JapanCentral Bank Rate25/03/2025 The day onwards--
19/03/2025 JapanCentral Bank Rate19/03/2025 The day onwards--
19/03/2025 07:50JapanCore Mechinery OrdersJan (m/m)--
19/03/2025 07:50JapanCore Mechinery OrdersJan (y/y)--
19/03/2025 07:50JapanExportFeb (y/y)--
19/03/2025 07:50JapanImportFeb (y/y)--
19/03/2025 07:50JapanTrade BalanceFeb--
19/03/2025 12:30JapanCapacity UtilizationJan (m/m)--
20/03/2025 BrazilFederal Tax RevenueFeb--
20/03/2025 00:00RussiaConsumer Confidence IndexQ1--
20/03/2025 00:00RussiaPPIFeb (y/y)--
20/03/2025 00:00RussiaPPIFeb (m/m)--
20/03/2025 02:00United StatesCentral Bank Rate25/03/2025 The day onwards4.500%
20/03/2025 02:00United StatesCentral Bank Rate (Lower Limit)25/03/2025 The day onwards4.250%
20/03/2025 02:00United StatesCentral Bank Rate19/03/2025 The day onwards--
20/03/2025 02:00United StatesCentral Bank Rate (Lower Limit)19/03/2025 The day onwards--
20/03/2025 04:00United StatesLong-term Capital FlowJan--
20/03/2025 04:00United StatesOverall Capital FlowJan--
20/03/2025 05:30BrazilCentral Bank Rate25/03/2025 The day onwards--
20/03/2025 05:45New ZealandGDP(Seasonal Adj)Q4 (q/q)--
20/03/2025 05:45New ZealandGDPQ4 (y/y)--
20/03/2025 08:30AustraliaLabor Force Employment ChangeFeb--
20/03/2025 08:30AustraliaLabor Force Participation RateFeb--
20/03/2025 08:30AustraliaUnemployment RateFeb--
20/03/2025 15:00United KingdomILO Unemployment Rate(Last 3 months)Jan--
20/03/2025 15:00United KingdomUnemployment RateFeb--
20/03/2025 15:00GermanyPPIFeb (y/y)--
20/03/2025 15:00GermanyPPIFeb (m/m)--
20/03/2025 16:30Hong KongComposite CPIFeb (y/y)--
20/03/2025 20:00United KingdomCentral Bank Rate25/03/2025 The day onwards--
20/03/2025 20:00United KingdomCentral Bank Rate20/03/2025 The day onwards--
20/03/2025 22:00United StatesLeading IndexFeb--
20/03/2025 22:00United StatesExisting Home SalesFeb (m/m)--
20/03/2025 22:00United StatesExisting Home SalesFeb--
21/03/2025 FranceRetail Sales(Seasonal Adj)Feb (y/y)--
21/03/2025 SwitzerlandMoney Supply M3Feb (y/y)--
21/03/2025 05:00South KoreaPPIFeb (y/y)--
21/03/2025 07:30JapanCPIFeb (y/y)--
21/03/2025 15:00United KingdomPSNBFeb--
21/03/2025 15:00United KingdomPSNCRFeb--
21/03/2025 18:30RussiaCentral Bank Rate25/03/2025 The day onwards--
21/03/2025 20:30CanadaRetail SalesJan (m/m)--
21/03/2025 23:00Euro ZoneConsumer Confidence IndexMar--
24/03/2025 South KoreaRetail SalesFeb (y/y)--
24/03/2025 GermanyImport Price IndexFeb (y/y)--
24/03/2025 GermanyImport Price IndexFeb (m/m)--
24/03/2025 08:30JapanManufacturing PMIMar--
24/03/2025 08:30JapanPMI CompositeMar--
24/03/2025 08:30JapanServices PMIMar--
24/03/2025 13:00SingaporeCPIFeb (y/y)--
24/03/2025 13:00SingaporeCore CPIFeb (y/y)--
24/03/2025 16:00TaiwanUnemployment RateFeb--
24/03/2025 20:30United StatesChicago Fed US National Activity IndexFeb--
24/03/2025 21:45United StatesManufacturing PMIMar--
24/03/2025 21:45United StatesPMI CompositeMar--
24/03/2025 21:45United StatesServices PMIMar--
25/03/2025 05:00South KoreaConsumer Confidence IndexMar--
25/03/2025 16:00TaiwanIndustrial OutputFeb (y/y)--
25/03/2025 16:30Hong KongExportFeb (y/y)--
25/03/2025 16:30Hong KongImportFeb (y/y)--
25/03/2025 16:30Hong KongTrade BalanceFeb--
25/03/2025 17:00GermanyIfo Business Climate IndexMar--
25/03/2025 17:00GermanyIfo Business Climate Index (Current)Mar--
25/03/2025 17:00GermanyIfo Business Climate Index (Future)Mar--
25/03/2025 21:00United StatesFHFA House Price IndexJan (m/m)--
25/03/2025 21:00United StatesS&P/CaseShiller 20 City Home Price Index(Seasonal Adj)Jan (m/m)--
25/03/2025 22:00United StatesConference Board Consumer Confidence IndexMar--
25/03/2025 22:00United StatesRichmond Fed Manufacturing IndexMar--
25/03/2025 22:00United StatesNew Home SalesFeb--
25/03/2025 22:00United StatesNew Home SalesFeb (m/m)--
26/03/2025 08:30AustraliaCPIFeb (y/y)--
26/03/2025 13:00SingaporeIndustrial Output(Seasonal Adj)Feb (m/m)--
26/03/2025 13:00SingaporeIndustrial OutputFeb (y/y)--
26/03/2025 15:00United KingdomCPIFeb (m/m)--
26/03/2025 15:00United KingdomCPIFeb (y/y)--
26/03/2025 15:00United KingdomCore CPIFeb (y/y)--
26/03/2025 15:00United KingdomRPIFeb (m/m)--
26/03/2025 15:00United KingdomRPIFeb (y/y)--
26/03/2025 15:45FranceConsumer Confidence IndexMar--
26/03/2025 17:30United KingdomHome Price IndexJan (y/y)--
26/03/2025 20:30United StatesCapital Goods Orders Nondefense (Ex Air)Feb--
26/03/2025 20:30United StatesCapital Goods Shipments Nondefense (Ex Air)Feb--
26/03/2025 20:30United StatesDurable Goods OrdersFeb--
26/03/2025 20:30United StatesDurable Goods Orders Nondefense (Ex Air)Feb--
27/03/2025 GermanyRetail SalesFeb (m/m)--
27/03/2025 00:00RussiaIndustrial OutputFeb (y/y)--
27/03/2025 17:00Euro ZoneMoney Supply M3Feb (y/y)--
27/03/2025 20:30United StatesRetail InventoriesFeb (m/m)--
27/03/2025 20:30United StatesWholesale InventoriesFeb (m/m)--
27/03/2025 22:00United StatesExisting Home Pending Sales Feb (m/m)--
27/03/2025 23:00United StatesKansas City Fed Manufacturing IndexMar--
28/03/2025 07:30JapanTokyo CPIMar (y/y)--
28/03/2025 07:30JapanTokyo Core CPIMar (y/y)--
28/03/2025 10:00SingaporeMoney Supply M1Feb (y/y)--
28/03/2025 10:00SingaporeMoney Supply M2Feb (y/y)--
28/03/2025 15:45FrancePPIMar (m/m)--
28/03/2025 15:45FrancePPIMar (y/y)--
28/03/2025 15:45FranceCPIMar (m/m)--
28/03/2025 15:45FranceCPIMar (y/y)--
28/03/2025 15:45FranceHICPMar (m/m)--
28/03/2025 15:45FranceHICPMar (y/y)--
28/03/2025 17:00ItalyConsumer Confidence IndexMar--
28/03/2025 18:00Euro ZoneEconomic Sentiment (Services)Mar--
28/03/2025 18:00Euro ZoneEconomic Sentiment IndicatorMar--
28/03/2025 18:00Euro ZoneIndustry Capacity UtilizationMar--
28/03/2025 18:00ItalyIndustrial SalesJan (m/m)--
28/03/2025 19:00ItalyPPIFeb (m/m)--
28/03/2025 19:00ItalyPPIFeb (y/y)--
28/03/2025 20:00BrazilUnemployment RateFeb--
28/03/2025 20:30CanadaGDPJan (y/y)--
28/03/2025 20:30CanadaGDPJan (m/m)--
28/03/2025 20:30United StatesPersonal ExpandituresFeb--
28/03/2025 20:30United StatesPersonal IncomeFeb--
31/03/2025 07:00South KoreaIndustrial OutputFeb (y/y)--
31/03/2025 07:00South KoreaIndustrial Output(Seasonal Adj)Feb (m/m)--
31/03/2025 07:01United KingdomLloyds Bank Business BarometerMar--
31/03/2025 07:50JapanIndustrial OutputFeb (y/y)--
31/03/2025 07:50JapanIndustrial OutputFeb (m/m)--
31/03/2025 07:50JapanRetail SalesFeb (y/y)--
31/03/2025 07:50JapanRetail SalesFeb (m/m)--
31/03/2025 09:30ChinaManufacturing PMIMar--
31/03/2025 09:30ChinaNon-Manufacturing PMIMar--
31/03/2025 09:30ChinaPMI CompositeMar--
31/03/2025 13:00JapanNew Home StartsFeb (y/y)--
31/03/2025 16:30Hong KongMoney Supply M1Feb (y/y)--
31/03/2025 16:30Hong KongMoney Supply M2Feb (y/y)--
31/03/2025 16:30Hong KongMoney Supply M3Feb (y/y)--
31/03/2025 16:30Hong KongRetail SalesFeb (y/y)--
31/03/2025 17:00ItalyHICPMar (m/m)--
31/03/2025 17:00ItalyHICPMar (y/y)--
31/03/2025 20:00GermanyCPIMar (y/y)--
31/03/2025 20:00GermanyCPIMar (m/m)--
31/03/2025 20:00GermanyHICPMar (y/y)--
31/03/2025 20:00GermanyHICPMar (m/m)--
31/03/2025 21:45United StatesChicago PMIMar--
31/03/2025 22:30United StatesDallas Fed Manufacturing Outlook IndexMar--
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