26/02/2025 14:46 HSI extends its rise to 800+ pts and is now at 23,836
26/02/2025 14:46 {Block Trade}CHINA MOBILE (00941): 426k shares, or HK$33.61m
26/02/2025 14:29 {Block Trade}BABA-W (09988): 700k shares, or HK$95.2m
26/02/2025 13:44 {Block Trade}PRU (02378): 360k shares, or HK$25.05m
26/02/2025 12:38 {Short Sales}Half-day T/O at HK$25bn, or 14% of Total
26/02/2025 12:25 Short Selling Turnover (GEM) up to morning close
26/02/2025 12:25 Short Selling Turnover (Main Board) up to morning close(3)
26/02/2025 12:25 Short Selling Turnover (Main Board) up to morning close(2)
26/02/2025 12:25 Short Selling Turnover (Main Board) up to morning close(1)
26/02/2025 12:20 HSI ends up 585 pts at 23,619; TEH up 210 pts at 5,909
26/02/2025 11:38 HK$ markets: Overnight Hibor at 3.40%; US$/HK$ 7.7697/26
26/02/2025 10:16 {Block Trade}CAM HS TECH (03088): 10m shares, or HK$74m
26/02/2025 10:15 {Block Trade}CAM HS TECH (03088): 10m shares, or HK$74m
26/02/2025 10:14 {Block Trade}CAM HS TECH (03088): 10m shares, or HK$74m
26/02/2025 10:13 {Block Trade}CAM HS TECH (03088): 10m shares, or HK$74m
26/02/2025 10:11 {Block Trade}HSCEI ETF (02828): 2m shares, or HK$177.72m
26/02/2025 10:10 {Block Trade}Trading session block trades at 10:09am
26/02/2025 10:08 {Block Trade}HSCEI ETF (02828): 2m shares, or HK$177.72m
26/02/2025 10:07 {Block Trade}HSCEI ETF (02828): 2m shares, or HK$177.72m
26/02/2025 10:04 {Block Trade}HSCEI ETF (02828): 2m shares, or HK$177.72m